Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What are home remeidies to get rid of ance scars?

I have tons of ance scars on my face, and I want to have a clear face that lots of people. I do not have money to go and buy tons of stuff, so please, make it stuff around the house. And i need it to work fast and easy.|||Sorry, there is nothing at home you can do for acne scars. I have heard of a scar treatment cream you can get over-the-counter, but you don%26#039;t want to spend money. Even the cream won%26#039;t smooth out deep dimple scars caused by pimples, it only works for light, surface scars.

When you do have the money, go get surgery. I hate to say it, but in the meantime, you%26#039;ll have to make do with the face you have.

Edit: In response to any claims concerning vitamin E, it doesn%26#039;t work. The healing powers of vitamin E have been debunked by scientists. In some cases, it actually causes skin irritation known as contact dermatitis.

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