Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How do you do away with annoying scars and bumps left from shaving in the bikini area?

You know when you shave,but afterward,there%26#039;s ugly scarring that looks like a rash and little bumps,what%26#039;s the best treatment?|||Bikini zone cream.

You can get it at any drugstore, works great!|||Depending on your hair type, after shaving rash may be inevitable, unfortunately. If your hair is dark and coarse, shaving rash may appear if you continue to shave each day before giving the area time to grow out and heal. Furthermore, shaving in the opposite direction of hair growth will encourage these bumps. Putting vitamin e oil on them and some sort of healing ointment such as Dr. Burt%26#039;s Salve will help to heal the area but it will take time of course. I do not recommend products that may be found at drugstores since they often have chemicals in them that you should not be putting onto your skin and therefore into your body. Vitamin E is good for scars, and you will find a ton of scar removing options at a local health food store that are reasonably priced and which really work without chemicals (often they use fruit acids and such).

Try shaving in the direction of hair growth and if that doesn%26#039;t work, give your body a few days between shaving to heal before you shave again. Make sure you exfoliate really well also, prior to shaving and use a shaving cream that%26#039;s not irritating such as Dr. Bronner%26#039;s Baby shaving cream. The best way to remove hair in that sensitive area for dark haired gals is to use laser hair removal with a medical professional who is experienced with the right laser (candela is the best in my opinion). Waxing is another option which does require a longer growth period but nixes the annoying rash.|||hm, if you use shaving cream, then stop.

ifyo use soap, well , its prob because you shave too often. Just let i go for a while.|||put deodorant on it. you wont get razor burn.

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