Saturday, December 26, 2009

What are some products that are effective at getting rid of scars?

My daughter recently got 11 stitches on her forehead, but they were taken out last week, leaving a nasty scar. I have neosporin to put on it, but I was wondering if there were other ways to get rid of the scar or to soften it so it doesn%26#039;t stand out so much.|||Pure olive oil does wonders. Keep her well hydrated and avoid fried and BBQ food for the moment. Give her lots of fruits and vegetables. And pray for healing.|||Vitamin E orally and topically are sometimes helpful. MSM cream and capsules have been helpful in some cases.|||I have heard of a cream that works like a miracle, its called mothers milk no kidding some women use it to minimize stretch marks during pregnancy%26#039;s, my wife used it and not a mark no were and she was huge. the bottle said good for the aid and healing of all scars. ask your pharmacy about it it is called mothers milk. oh and tell the little one I am sorry she got hurt God bless the baby%26#039;s no matter how old they get.|||Vitamin E lotions or the gel capsule vitamins from the health food store broken open used topically|||Well you can go old school and buy vitamin E capsules and break them open and put the oil on it, or do a Aloe plant. Or buy this stuff they have a drug stores call Medrma which I hear wonderful things about. Keep this in mind if she is real young she will heal pretty good as long as you start tending to it right away. Good Luck!|||MADERMA...its wonderful!!!|||Best on the market is Aquaphor. It catalyzes the healing of scars and is sold over the counter at your local pharmacy. You will see positive results in a few days.|||Mederma for kids|||belt sander

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