Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How long does it take cocoa butter to help fade scars?

I%26#039;ve been using differnt kinds of cocoa butter off and on for the last four months and only see a slight difference. Any suggestions?|||it will take years|||well i don use cocoa powder i have secret recipies to healing scars but typing im afraid that u might get it done wrong so do add me cash_raven@hotmail.com msn we will talk there or call 92234770|||You should always just put on moisturizing lotion to take away scars. I use moiturizing body lotion [for face and the body] when i have scars. It fades it faster.

I had an acne scar on the bottom of my bottom lip and just kept applying moisturizing lotion everyday and now it%26#039;s faded and no one knows i have it until i point it out.

=)|||cocoa butter will fade your scar but it%26#039;ll take a really long time. my mom got a burnt mark on her upper lip (from cooking) and she uses tretinoin cream she bought from a dermatologist. it also takes a long time to fade, it%26#039;s been, i think, 6 months, and the mark%26#039;s still there, but lighter

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