Saturday, December 26, 2009

How to fade acne scars easily?

I have acne scars on my forehead and chin. They aren%26#039;t indents or anything, just brown spots where my pimples used to be. Are there any simple homemade remedies or anything I can do to make them go away?||||||Hi friend,

I know what you are going through, I had really bad acne as a teenager that left me with tons of acne scars and it was so embarrassing. I didn%26#039;t have enough money for chemical peels or expensive treatments but after lots of searching I found a natural treatment that was within my budget and best of all IT WORKS! I totally recommend it to anyone who want to get rid of acne scars, check it out here its the ZENMED scar kit. hope this information helps and email me if you have any questions :)|||don%26#039;t use egg yolk. that person is pulling your leg. A band used to paint there face with that **** and they got pimply so ****** bad...

My brother 5 years ago was in a serious accident that sliced his arms pretty bad.

So ever since he%26#039;s been using scar creams. You can buy them any where, at any store or drug mart. They all work rather fine.|||try these tips they may help you|||You could try using egg yolk it%26#039;s really good and also it can make you have nice complexion.|||just try regular scar cream.. it should work.

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